Nestled in the picturesque village of Vallikavu, across the beautiful and famed backwaters of Kerala, is Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham‘s blending into the natural setting of the environment with its endless stretches of coconut palm groves. The Arabian Sea that borders Kerala on the west is only a few hundred meters from the campus.
Located close to the international headquarters of the Mata Amritanandamayi Math, the campus provides a learning environment that harmoniously blends science and spirituality.
Attracted by its pristine beauty and the campus’s emphasis on technical excellence, students are drawn from just around the corner as well as from far across the globe. Eminent academicians and corporate professionals from share their knowledge and experiences with the students and help them apply their theoretical knowledge to real-life projects.
All Schools and Research Centers on campus are committed to generating, disseminating and preserving knowledge. They seek to develop in each member of the campus, the ability and passion to work wisely, creatively and effectively for the betterment of humanity. Numerous seminars, discussions and debates help enhance the quest for knowledge.
Although located in a remote village blessed with panoramic backwater expanses and tiny glistening brooks on the one side and the mighty sea on the other side, all modern amenities which go to make campus life memorable, are provided.
By Air: Nearest Airports are Cochin (Kochi) International Airport at Nedumbassery which is situated 140 kms north of the campus and Trivandrum Airport which is 110 kms.
By Train: Kayankulam is the closest railway station situated 12 kilometres north of the campus and Karunagapally which is 10 kilometres south of the campus.
By Bus: From the Ernakulam Transport Bus-Stand, one may board a bus going towards Trivandrum via Alappuzha, and alight at Ochira or Karunagapally. From Ochira one may board a bus going to Vallikavu Junction, which is about a five-minute walk from the campus.
Route Map