[ I ] Our student branch chapter bagged the 1st prize in IAS Chapter Web Contest 2013 and also the New Outstanding Student branch Award. Thanks to all  who were responsible for this achievement.

[ 2 ] On behalf of IEEE IAS SBC we extend our warm congratulations to our members whose thesis work has been accepted in the following conferences-

* Mr.Kiran P.,Mr.Ravikrishnan G & Dr.P.Kanakasabapathy

Digital Protection and Transient Analysis of Power System Using Curvelet Transform Based Approach” in IEEE TENCON Spring 2013 Conference, Sydney, Australia, 17-19 April 2013.

Fault Analysis and Digital Protection of Busbars Using Curvelet Transform Based Approach” in International Conference on Global Innovations in Technology and Sciences (ICGITS 2013), Kerala, India, 4-6 April 2013.

Internal Fault Discrimination in Power Transformers Using Curvelet Transform” in International Youth Conference on Energy ( IYCE 2013), Siofok, Hungary, 6-8 June 2013.

A Curvelet Transform Approach for Harmonic Analysis in Wind Energy Generation System” in IET Renewable Power Generation Conference (RPG 2013), Beijing, China, 9-11 September 2013.

* Mr.Murali Krishnan K and Dr.P S Chandramohanan Nair

“Measurement and analyses of power quality problems associated with a grid having wind energy conversion systems” in IEEE International Conference on Energy Efficient technologies for Sustainability (ICEETS 13), Nagercoil, Tamilnadu, 10-12 April 2013.

* Mr.Syam M S and Mr.T Sreejith Kailas

“Grid Connected Two Stage Photovoltaic System Using Cuk Converter” in International Conference on Global Innovations in Technology and Sciences (ICGITS 2013), Kerala, 4-6 April 2013.

Grid Connected Two Stage PV System – a Comparitive Study” in IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics, Communications and Renewable Energy (ICMiCR), Kerala, June 2013.

* Ms.Aryamol Sudhakaran and Ms.Angel T. S.

“Permanent Magnet Synchronous Wind Generator for Microgrid Dynamic Performance Improvement” in IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics, Communications and Renewable Energy (AICERA 2013- ICMiCR), Kerala, June 2013.

* Mr.Balaji K.M. and Ms.Asha Chandran

“Implementation of anti- islanding Scheme with multiple passive protections for a hybrid power system” in International Conference on Renewable energy research and applications (ICRERA 2013) at Madrid,Spain,20-23 October 2013.

“Loss of mains detection using multiple passive anti- islanding approach” in International Conference on Electrical Sciences (ICES-2013), 09-10 August 2013 at SASTRA University, Tamilnadu.

[ 3 ] Mr.Srikanth V Advisor of our IEEE IAS Chapter has been promoted to the post of IEEE IAS Student Branch Chapter Development Committee Chair.

Mr.Srikanth V Advisor of our IEEE IAS Chapter has been promoted to the post of IEEE IAS Student Branch Chapters Area Chair Region 10 (2012-till date).

[ 4 ] Mr.Visal Raveendran, and Dr.Manjula G Nair

“Design and development of a mini custom power park” in 2nd AASRI Conference on Power and Energy Systems (PES 2013), Jeju Islands, Korea, Dec 2013.

“SmartPark as Shunt Active Filter using modified ICosφ Controller” in IEEE Conference on POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS: TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS (PESTSE2014), Amrita Scool of Engineering, Bangaluru, Mar 2014

“Vehicle-to-Grid transactions and Shunt Active Filtering capability of SmartParks equipped with Modified  ICosΦ Controller” in IEEE Students‘ International Conference On Electrical, Electronics and Computer Sciences at NIT Bhopal, March 2014.