Events in 2013

[ 1 ] Membership Drive for students

A membership drive was conducted on Feb 8th for Prefinal year B.Tech students.It was presided by our chairman Mr.MuraliKrishnan.The drive briefed on the benefits of IEEE IAS and the advantages of joining the chapter.The response was good from the students.

[ 2 ] Workshop on Introduction to Microprocessor Programming

IEEE IAS SBC in association with Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering conducted a workshop on “Introduction to Microprocessor Programming” on March 9th 2013.The workshop was attended by 38 students.The topics covered were 8085 programming and instruction sets. Students were also taken for laboratory sessions.Mr.Srikanth V Assistant Professor, EEE dept was the trainer.Dr. P.Kankasabapathy,Vice Chairman,Dept of EEE distributed the certificates to the students.

[ 3 ] Industrial visit to Moozhiyar power station

Moozhiyar power station is situated in Pathannamthitta,Kerala. On 23/3/2013 an Industrial Visit was organized by the student branch chapter of IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) as part of its activities of 2013. A group of 38 students and 6 faculties were a part of the visit. Apart from students and regular members of IAS, other students from MTech. (Power and Energy) of our campus participated in the event. Moozhiyar power station (Sabarigiri power station) is the second largest hydroelectric generating station in Kerala. It is having an installed capacity of 300 MW having 6*50 MW generators.

[ 4 ] Workshop on Wind Energy Resource Assessment and Simulation

A workshop on Wind Energy resource Assessment and Simulation was conducted on April 26 and 27th.It was attended by 30 students both from B.Tech and M.Tech and a few faculties from EEE dept.The 2 day workshop was taken by Mr.Mohanrajan,Mr.Prabhu and Ms.Jisma (Faculties from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,Ettimadai Campus) and it mainly concentrated on wind resources and practical simulation tutorials on modelling different wind turbines depending on type, location and area.It also emphasized on the future and ongoing research works in the area of Wind Energy.The feedback was good from the students side.

[ 5 ] TAPENERGY 2013


Kallada irrigation project is the largest irrigation project in Kerala. On 30th August 2013 an industrial visit to the above mentioned power plant was organised by the IEEE IAS SBC in association with Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering to observe and understand the working of hydro electric power plant. A group of 35 students and 5 faculties were a part of the visit. Apart from students The Chief Engineer-In Charge of the plant had given a detailed session on the operation and maintenance of this hydro station.


As a part of women’s day celebrations IEEE IAS SBC conducted a seminar “Role of Women in Industry” on 10th September 2013. The main intention of the program was to motivate the women in engineering and to showcase their potential. The session was handled by Dr. B.J.SREEDEVI, Director, of National Transportation Planning & Research Centre (NATPAC) an R&D Centre of Govt. of Kerala. Around 350 students participated in the seminar.

[ 8 ] Celebrating the 1st anniversary of the Chapter

The chapter celebrated the 1st anniversary from 12th to 16th Nov 2013. A series of 3 events followed. Kick started with the Quiz competition-SAMAZYA. It covered technical as well as general areas. 30 students participated in the quiz. Adding to the competitions, Logical Design Problem Solving-YAUKTIKA (an emulated programming based logic contest) was conducted on 14th Nov. The participants were asked to develop logical solutions for automating a manufacturing industry using Logixpro software. The duration of the contest was half an hour. Though the software was new to them, it did not affect their enthusiasm to complete the task on time.

The celebration concluded with a technical talk on “DC/DC converters and its Control” by Dr. M. Nandakumar, from Government Engineering College, Thrissur on 16th Nov. The talk was conducted for the post graduate students of Power and Energy. The one day event was really beneficial for the students as the approach was from the fundamentals and covering all the relevant areas in Power Electronic converters and their control. It helped many of them in their project works. A very good feedback was received for the same.

[ 9 ] Member in Service Program

IEEE IAS Chapters organized a session for and the students with Mr.Aneesh Rajeev (Student member- IEEE), who was an Ex- Power System Engineer in Power Research and Development Consultant, Bangalore. The agenda of this session was to share the industrial experiences and recent trends in power system.

An Orientation class was conducted for the new members of IEEE- IAS SBC. The class was conducted by the Chairperson & Membership development officer of IAS SBC.

Kiran.P, the former General Secretary of IEEE IAS SBC conducted a session on the topic “HOW TO PREPARE FOR A CONFERENCE”. He shared his experiences, which was very useful for both undergraduate and post graduate students.

[10]  Visit to Nilambur Tribal Colony Student Social Responsibility

As part of our Student Social Responsibility (SSR) project; a student’s initiative, a group of students decided to lend a helping hand to the tribal settlement in Vettilakolli, Nilambur. The initiative was upon a newspaper article which wrote about the death of a newborn baby due to malnutrition, inspiring us to do something humane to this bunch of people, unaware of civilization. IEEE IAS SBC decided to be a part of this mission. A team seven members was formed to proceed for the mission.

Team members explaining the tribal children about the bad effects of Alcohol and Tobacco